January is not my favorite month. People talk about new beginnings, fresh starts, bright visions. To me it’s usually a dark cold month here where I live so it can be hard to imagine those optimistic ideals. But this year it feels different. For some reason with these shorter, darker days I’m feeling more focused and eager to get to it with my art practice. I’ve felt more energized during that limited time of good light and it has resulted in some decent work in the last couple of weeks.
Another big part of this month is that we’re expecting our first grandchild. I don’t know when that will be exactly and I keep thinking; I better get some work done before the baby comes!
Life is usually unpredictable and unplanned. Perhaps learning to bend like a river is the way to approach art making just like in life. Work with what you are given. Our little baby is coming and he or she will be wonderful I know. My plan is to let my art follow that same path.